“Leaders in Dubai” Business Forum; next week … in Dubai
Put on your calendars for next week: “Leaders in Dubai”. First held in 2004, Leaders in Dubai is now one of the top business conferences in Dubai. Some of the past speakers include Colin Powell, Jack Welch, Bill Clinton, Richard Branson, Kofi Annan, Michael Porter, Tom Peters, and Malcolm Gladwell.
DubaiBeat.com is proud to be officially accredited to cover this event. Who are the speakers this year? Some top names:
- Rudolph Giuliani, Former Mayor of New York City
- James Wolfensohn, Former President of The World Bank
- Mohamed ElBaradei, Director General of the IAEA
- Rajat Gupta, Former Managing Director of McKinsey
- Tom Peters, Business Strategist
- Sir Winfried Bischoff, Chairman of Citi
For full list of speakers and a last-minute registration opportunity, visit leadersindubai.com. See you there!