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 Middle East Private Equity

Below is the latest news and analysis about recent activities of Middle East Private Equity. For a full list of Middle East Private Equity you can check the Middle East Investors Directory which has been published since 2007 and contains listing and email addresses of Middle East Private Equity as well as other investor from the region.

 Middle East private equity firm Foursan invested in 3 new firms

foursan-2014.jpgFoursan Group, a Middle Eastern private equity firm, has invested in three new firms, Shamsuna Power, Nafith Logistics and the National Bank of Iraq.

With these investments, Foursan's portfolio includes six companies operating throughout the MENA region across diversified sectors including financial services; food manufacturing and processing; hospitality and restaurants; logistics; and renewable energy.

Foursan Group is listed in the Middle East Investors Directory with the code OR24.

More details follows

 Middle East investor eye National Basketball Association franchises

nba-middleeast-investor.jpgAn unnamed Middle East investor has approached NBA commissioner last month to buy one of four NBA franchises - Financial Times is reporting.

No deal has been reached so far, but the NBA commissioner David Stern says the takeover of some of the 30 NBA franchises by overseas investors is inevitable. (It is estimated that LA Lakers and the New York Knicks are worth more than $1 billion, and the NBA is expected to generate $5.5 billion in revenues this season.)

To see listing and contact emails of investors from the Middle East, check our Middle East Investors Directory

More details from Financial Times here.

 Middle East investors buying farmland in Canada, US and Mexico

farmland.jpgThe issue of food security is bringing many Middle East investors to Canada, US and Mexico to buy farmland.

In an interesting article The Western Producer, an Alberta publication, is reporting the flow of Middle East investors to Alberta, Canada for farmland. Buyers are being advised to work with large Canadian farmers with knowledge of Canadian farming rather than buying large tracts of land and farming it with non-Canadian help.
 The buyers are looking at land in Canada, the United States and Mexico - the publication is reporting.

To see listing and contact emails of investors from the Middle East, check our Middle East Investors Directory

More details follows from The Western Producer

 Middle East investors backing a new Hungarian airline

arab-investors-hungary.jpgWe love the international appetite of investors from the Middle East: after the collapse of former carrier of Hungary, Malev in 2012, now a new airline called Solyom is being formed with the help of two major investment firms from Oman and UAE.

The company mentions it all started "when an e-mail was sent to a potential investor on February 6, 2012". Now Solyom mentions "a tourism enterprise registered in Oman" and "a well-capitalized investor with extensive international relations registered in Dubai" as its two strategic investors. It is planning to fly to 31 destinations in 2013, 51 destinations in 2014, and 96 destinations by 2017.

To see listing and contact emails of investment firms from the Middle East check our Middle East Investors Directory.

More details follows:

 Middle East private equity firm Investcorp acquires UK crisp maker for $152 million

investcorp-uk-2013.jpgInvestcorp, a Bahrain-based investment firm, acquired Tyrrells, a UK manufacturer of premium crisps and snacks, for $140 million.

Founded in 2002, Tyrrells is recognized for its hand cooked potato and vegetable crisps as well as a range of premium snacks. The company employs 270 people and generates in excess of £100 million in retail sales value.

Investcorp is listed in the Middle East Investors Directory with the code OR30.

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 MENA Infrastructure Fund acquired 20% of Sohar Power Company

Arab Investors: MENA Inf FundMENA Infrastructure Fund, the Dubai-based private equity fund sponsored by HSBC, Waha Capital and Fajr Capital, has acquired 20% of Sohar Power Company.

The $300 million MENA Infrastructure Fund LP was launched in 2007. The Sohar Power acquisition marks the fund’s fourth major investment, having previously acquired stakes in Alexandria International Container Terminals in Egypt, United Power Company in Oman and Hajr Electricity Production Company in Saudi Arabia.

To see a list of investors from the Middle East similar to MENA Infrastructure Fund, check our Middle East Investors Directory.

More details follows:

 Saudi private equity firm invested $45 million in 10 global companies

sedco2.jpgSedco, a Saudi private equity firm, has invested $45 million in 10 global companies in the past months - Reuters is reporting.

Sedco’s private equity fund which is launched a year ago has raised $113 million of which 40 percent is invested in 10 companies globally. Sedco has also invested globally in real estate and currently eyes Asian markets as well. The two-year old Jeddah-based firm manages about $3 billion in assets.

Sedco is listed in the Middle East Investors Directory with the code ORP18.

More details follows from Reuters

 Bahrain's Investcorp acquires Scandinavia's luxury retailer for $140 million

investcorp-georgjensen.PNGInvestcorp, a Bahrain-based investment firm, acquired Scandinavia's luxury retailer Georg Jensen for $140 million.

With a history that spans over 100 years, Georg Jensen is a global luxury brand that designs, manufactures and distributes jewellery, watches, fine silverware and homeware.

Investcorp is listed in the Middle East Investors Directory with the code OR30.

More details follows

More from Middle East Private Equity ...

  MENA Private Equity Confidence Survey - Report

  Middle East investors invested $175 million in a Russian power producer

  Britain to raise capital from Middle East investors

  Bahrain Middle East Bank and partners to launch a $50 million China fund

  Boeing calls on Middle East investors to fund deals

  Middle East private equity funds seek strategic buyers - Reuters

  The next five years of MENA private equity - Report

  Abraaj Capital acquires $161 million Amundi's private equity platform

  Gulf Finance House subsidiary acquired Turkish bank for $75 million

  Abu Dhabi Capital Management closed its private equity fund at $45 million

  Qatar investment firm arranges $25 million of private equity for Indian company through the Carlyle Group

  Bahrain firm sold BWA to Philadelphia investors for $300 million

  n3xtmarket.com launched - Advisory for MENA investors on purchase of secondary market shares

  Abu Dhabi's Invest AD and Japan's SBI Holdings to invest $100 million in Turkish private equity

  Qatar acquired stake in French leather goods manufacturer for $20 million

  Bahrain investors of Arcapita acquired stake in US women's retail chain

  Bahrain investor acquired British online booking firm for $49 million

  Two new private equity firms launched in Iraq and Oman

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Established in 2007, DubaiBeat.com provides insight, analysis and research on Middle East investors.

We cover different asset class investors like private equity, venture capital, hedge funds and real estate investors from the Middle East and broader MENA region.

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