|Middle East Investors Directory - Instant Download & Full Excel Files

DubaiBeat Directory 2022 Who is the Portfolio Manager at Abu Dhabi Investment Authority? What is the email address of Real Estate Investments Director at a top Middle East investment firm?

Unlike US, UK and other established financial centers, details of investors in the Middle East are not usually readily available. Because of the lack of mature financial data providers covering the Middle East, finding reliable data on investors in the Middle East (middle east private equity firms, middle east private equity funds, real estate investors in middle east, private investors, etc.) is quite time consuming.

As the leading provider of private investors data and analysis since 2007, thousands of customers have been using DubaiBeat Directory of Venture Capital and Private Equity in the Middle East achieving great results.

Whether you are a business owner looking for private investors, a private equity firm looking for LP, a real estate firm looking for investors, or a conference organizer looking for top delegates, this directory can help you achieve your goal.

|Directory Contents

The Middle East Investors Directory in 130 PDF pages contains details of 485 investment firms including the firm names, countries, cities, web addresses, telephones, faxes and physical addresses of the investment firms. Details of 576 Contacts from those investment firms including names, email addresses and their positions are also listed.

It also includes the raw Excel files of all 485 firms and 576 contacts. (At the moment the raw Excel files are free when you order the directory. So hurry, order and download now!)

Investors List Sample

| Directory FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions ...

When was your investors directory last updated?
The directory is last updated on October 2024.

Who handles the payment on your website?
Your credit card and all payment issues are handled by our US payment provider Stripe

So is your directory only covering VC and private equity investors? I am interested in property and real estate investors, family offices, etc.
Since investors in the Middle East are usually open to investments out of their mentioned asset class, we have listed all types of investment firms in our directory, not just PE/VC firms.

What payment methods do you accept?
The recommended and fastest method would be paying by Credit Card. PayPal is also accepted. Bank wire transfers are also accepted, although they take a couple of days to process.

So what are the main details listed for each firm?
The firm names, countries, cities, web addresses, telephones, faxes and physical addresses. For contacts in the firms, we list names, email addresses and their positions.

How many investors are listed in your directory?
The directory contains 485 Middle Eastern investment firms. Details of 576 contacts involved in those investment firms are also listed. (all in both PDF and Excel format)

What is the breakdown of investors in your directory per country?
Middle East investors are investing regardless of their location. But The current breakdown in our directory, based on their main office location, is: UAE 43%, Saudi Arabia 23%, Kuwait 12%, Bahrain 9%, Other 13%

Do you list general emails like info@, investment@, etc. in your directory list of investors?
No. We only list email addresses assigned to real names.

Why don't you list the investment "sectors" that Middle East investors are willing to invest in?
What we have found is that investors in the Middle East are generally open to consider different sectors while investing. For example check this firm from our recent story with investment in these unrelated sectors:

GrowthGate's other portfolio companies are Able Logistics Group (logistics & transport), Gama Aviation Holding (managed-private jets and aviation services), Roots Group (construction-related materials) and Averda International (environmental & waste management services)

So while this makes it difficult for you (and us!) to categorize firms based on their sectors, it would give you more opportunities by contacting the firms and checking if they (or their affiliates) would be interested in your specific investment opportunity.


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| What our customers are saying ...

"Now that I have used the directory and seen the results, I must admit it was worth every penny spent! Your database really made a difference to me, so I hope it would help others as well."

Mois Faion
AllTelecoms JSC

"Continuum Global Asset Management recently signed up for your Newsletter. Your Newsletter was very valuable in that we were able to identify a new PE firm in the UAE to introduce our India Hedge Fund launching soon."

George Bacon
SVP Global Business Development
Continuum Global Asset Management

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