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 MENA Private Equity Confidence Survey - Report

deloitte-2012menasurvery.jpgDeloitte has released a new report on Middle East Private Equity entitled “Private Equity Confidence Survey”.

The results of the survey reflect a bounce back in confidence amongst regional general partners (GPs) and a more positive outlook for the long term prospects for PE in the MENA region.

You can download the report from here (PDF) . More details and summary of the report follows.

 The next five years of MENA private equity - Report

menapenextfiveyears.jpgINSEAD Abu Dhabi in partnership with PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers) has released a new report on Private Equity entitled “The next five years: MENA PE”.

This research examines the recent impact of the Middle East unrest on PE firms, as well as the key drivers and trends that will shape the PE landscape in the next five years. It is based on interviews with leading global and regional GPs and LPs investing in the region, as well as on a web-based survey.

You can download the report from here.

 Presentation - New Insights into Sovereign Wealth Funds

Following is a presentation by Josh Lerner, Professor of Harvard Business School. The presentation is titled "New Insights into Sovereign Wealth Funds: Clues and Mysteries".

 Presentation - How quickly can the GCC emerge from the slowdown

Following is the presentation by Ali Al Shihabi, Founder and Executive Chairman of Rasmala, at the Super Return conference in Dubai October 2009.

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 Presentation - Deal Flow and Dry Powder in the Region

Following is the presentation by Imad Ghandour, Executive Director of Gulf Capital at the Super Return conference in Dubai October 2009.

 Presentation - Global Developments and Regional Prospects for Markets, Businesses and Private Equity

A great presentation from Super Return MENA 2009 summit was the one by Willem H. Buiter, Professor of Political Economy, London School of Economics and Political Science. It is titled: "Global Developments and Regional Prospects for Markets, Businesses and Private Equity".

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 Presentation - Implications of a PE/VC investment on a company

So you have closed the deal, or thinking about closing a deal with a Venture Capital or Private Equity investor for your firm. What are the implications of a PE/VC investment on a company? Here is a good presentation from the recent DIFC Private Equity Forum by PricewaterhouseCoopers. Enjoy!

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 Private equity investment in the Middle East to increase - significantly!

Global LPs are going to significantly increase their private equity investments in the Middle East over the next three years - according to a survey by Coller Capital, the global investor in private equity secondaries.

Although not still significant in terms of amount, in terms of exposure the increase is going to be very significant: for Asia-Pacific LPs, exposure to the Middle East is going to increase from 10% to 48%, for American LPs from %3 to 32%, and for the European LPs from virtually zero to 21%.

And what do you think is the top reason for global investors being shy to invest in the Middle East PE? Geopolitical risk? Nope. Unfavorable regulatory environment? Nope. Lack of quality assets? Nope. "Too few credible GPs" is the top reason shared by 95% of LP respondents. (Our directory has listing of private equity firms in the Middle East)

The full document is here:

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  Presentation - Chief Economist of Saudi's Jadwa Investment

  Presentation - Istithmar World's Chief Investment Officer

  Jack Perkowski's Presentation at Super Return Middle East 2008

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