Middle East Investors Directory Major Update - 337 investment firms and 823 contacts listed
We have just released our latest update to DubaiBeat's "Directory of Venture Capital and Private Equity in the Middle East". Now a total of 338 Middle Eastern investment firms and 823 contacts from those firms are listed in our investors directory.
This update is released in line with our regular enhancements to the directory. The last four updates have been released on Sep-2009, Nov-2009, Jan-2010 and Mar-2010.
As the volume of the directory has increased rapidly - now a whopping 110 pages -, we are also including the raw Excel files of all 338 firms and 823 contacts. (At the moment the raw Excel files are free when you order the directory. So hurry, order and download now!)
As mentioned before, we understand how confusing it can be for people outside the region to understand the landscape of investment firms in the region. (For example do you know we have four different firms called Amwal from four different countries in the Middle East? Amwal AlKhaleej from Saudi Arabia, Amwal International Investment from Kuwait, Amwal from Qatar and Amwal Invest from Jordan) That's why relying on a niche information provider like DubaiBeat.com that has been based in this region for several years is so critical.
Whether you are a business owner looking for investors, an investment firm looking for LPs, a recruitment firm looking for talented contacts, or a conference organizer looking for top delegates, the Middle East Investors Directory can help you achieve your goal.
You can check all details, including sample pages, and download your copy from here. (If you have downloaded your copy in the past three months, you are eligible for discount. Please contact our client support team for details).
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